The South African Police Service management welcomes the sentencing handed down to two rapists, Eric Diniso and Piet Khumo Molatlhegi.
On Tuesday, 14 March 2017, a 15-year-old girl was watching sangomas dancing at a house in Pampierstad, when the two accused took the victim by force, threatening her with a panga and took the victim to a house.
Both the accused repeatedly raped the victim. The victim’s sister later found her.
The police were informed and a case docket was opened at Pampierstad SAPS for further investigation.
The two suspects were arrested and the investigating officer successfully opposed bail. DNA positively linked the accused to the crime.
On Wednesday, 01 November 2023, the Taung Regional Court convicted and sentenced 28-year-old Eric Diniso and 34-year-old Piet Khumo Molatlhegi to 18 years’ each direct imprisonment.
Both accused were declared unfit to possess a firearm and their names will be entered in the National Register for Sexual Offenders and both accused not to work with children.
The Provincial Commissioner of the Northern Cape, Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, applauded the investigating officer, Sergeant Sidwell Dastile for his remarkable work in ensuring that the accused are removed from society for a lengthy period.