Eleven foreign nationals arrested for possession of R3 million worth of counterfeit money

Eleven foreign nationals arrested for possession of R3 million worth of counterfeit money
Eleven foreign nationals arrested for possession of R3 million worth of counterfeit money. Image source: Pixabay

Eleven (11) Ugandan foreign nationals aged between 25 and 45, were arrested for possession of R3 Million worth of counterfeit South African currency in Ermelo on Thursday, 04 July 2024 during Operation Vala Umgodi.

According to information, members were performing their normal duties when they noticed suspicious people carrying five bags. As a result, members stopped these individuals then conducted a search.

It was during this period when they discovered the fake money.

Members also discovered that all of the suspects were not in possession of valid documentations to be in the country hence the investigators are working in collaboration with officials from the Department of Home Affairs to ascertain their status in the country.

The suspects were charged for possession of counterfeit money as well as for contravening the Immigration Act of South Africa and further charges could be added against them as the investigation proceeds.

The suspects are due to appear at the Ermelo Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 08 July 2024, facing the said charges.

Meanwhile, the Acting Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Major General Zeph Mkhwanazi applauded members for the excellent work done. “We are really excited by the vigilance displayed by our members and moving in this pace, we are definitely going TO bring the levels of crime to its lowest, ” said the General.

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